Learn How to Be Funny Course

Learn Comedy Lesson Online

Not everyone has the talent to make people laugh, but those who do are truly appreciated in the entertainment industry. Comedy is such a big part of our entertainment industry today. So many people are discovering that they can build a career in comedy. This starts with learning how to do it the right way.

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There are online courses that teach students all about comedy. These lessons have been created by professional teachers and accomplished comedians who have built a glowing reputation in the industry. The best part about taking online lessons in comedy is that everyone can learn directly from professional comedians and teachers from all over the world.

The comedy lessons online are usually presented as videos that feature the teacher describing the process and how the students can improve their skills as comedians.

These lessons also help the students to discover the type of comedy that they will like to focus on during their careers. Many of the comedy lessons that you will find online have been developed for students at all learning levels. All you will need to do is select the lessons that cover areas of your interest or where you stopped learning previously.

The comedy lessons online can be taken conveniently. The courses allow students to learn at their own pace and from all locations.

Here are the top comedy lessons online;

13 Websites to Learn Comedy Lesson Online Reviews

1) MasterClass with Judd Apatow

Artistworks Learn Violin Online

Judd Apatow is one of the awesome stand-up comedians we know today. Judd is also a writer, producer, and director with so many outstanding comedy content that he has created for TV and radio.

Judd has created this online comedy course to help more people achieve their dreams of becoming excellent comedians, regardless of the area they wish to develop in comedy.

The lessons in this course are thirty-two in number; they are video lessons that last for about 12 minutes each. Before taking the course, the students can watch the preview to know what the course is about and the topics that have been covered.

The course has an extensive lesson plan that will help all the participants understand what they must do to develop their talents as comedians.

The course starts with an introduction lesson that presents Judd Apatow's story, how he started doing stand-up, and the importance of comedy in our society today.

The lesson plan for this course covers crucial areas in comedy, such as the process of becoming a stand-up comedian, how to overcome fear and anxiety, as well as tips that can be used to improve performance as a stand-up comedian.

There is a lesson that covers the process of creating great content when writing comedy, there are tips on how to develop a good writing habit as a comedian. Judd teaches his students how to get personal with the audience, connecting and making them laugh.

There are different case studies that have been added to this course. The case studies highlight the process of turning individual life stories into funny situations that will make an audience laugh when described.

Other important topics covered in this online comedy course include developing structure for comedy film, tips for casting, working with directors, and how to incorporate music in comedy.

2) MasterClass with Steve Martin

MasterClass Steve Martin Learn Comedy Lessons Online

Many students will be thrilled to learn all about comedy from one of the best actors and comedians in Hollywood, Steve Martin. This comedy course features 25 lessons that last for an average time of 12 minutes each. The comedy lessons in this course have been created for students at all learning levels.

To get started, the interested students are given an opportunity to watch the preview to get an understanding of the course and the topics that have been covered.

Steve Martin has created this comprehensive course to teach his students the best approaches to comedy and how he has been able to build an outstanding career as a comedian.

The video lessons in this course are presented in a structure that allows all students to learn at their own pace, which will be convenient for busy people who want to learn how to improve their comedy skills online.

The course starts with an introduction that points out the different professional skills that have made Steve Martin successful, such as writing, acting, and singing.

During the course, the students are taught all about comedy, with a focus on how to research and gather content, developing a comedic voice and persona, as well as learning the process of delivering funny content orally. The students are also taught how to open and close a performance the right way.

There is a lesson that helps the participants in this course to understand the need to avoid profanity and how to use the right words, terms, and phrases when delivering comedic content.

This is a complete comedy course that helps the students to grow as comedians, while discovering other essential areas in comedy such as writing content for comedy, editing, directing and achieving a consistent growth as a performer.

3) Udemy – Online Comedy Courses

Udemy Learn Comedy Lessons Online

Udemy is an educational website that features more than 100 comedy lessons that are taught online. The website has been designed with simple features that allow students to find the best comedy course that matches their goals.

On the site, students can use the quick search feature to find a course taught by any instructor with a particular rating. It is much better to buy a course from an instructor who has a rating above 4.5 stars. Also, comedy courses can be searched by their duration.

The comedy lessons on the site vary because they focus on different areas. Some of the courses are longer than others, regarding duration, this is because the lessons have been generalised to cover all the aspects of comedy. Also, the students can find the perfect course that has been created for their learning level, which can be beginners, intermediate or advanced.

All the comedy courses featured on the site have descriptions that have been written by the instructor. The descriptions make it easy for the students to understand what they will learn during the course. Also, the lessons are presented as videos that are of high-quality and have good audio.

Students who use Udemy can learn all about stand-up comedy, writing content for comedy, and delving into the world of directing comedy films for TV or the cinema. There are lessons that cover the essentials of writing jokes and how to deliver the best comedy performances.

The learning opportunities for upcoming comedians on Udemy are so vast, and there is a course that covers all the important aspects of comedy that students in this career line should understand.

4) Lynda – Comedy Lessons Online

Lynda Learn Comedy Lessons Online

There are over 400 hits for comedy lessons on this educational website. The video lessons on this site offer all students a wide selection of some of the best comedy lessons that can be found online.

The comedy lessons have been categorised into different learning levels to help the students find the exact lessons that cover the aspects of comedy they need to learn.

The video lessons are of high-quality and have good audio, the lessons feature the instructors who describe how to improve comedy delivery and accomplish great things with the talent.

The online comedy lessons on this site have a different duration. They are presented as courses with flexible learning programs that make it convenient for all students who take the courses.

Some of the important comedy lessons on this site cover areas such as learning about the foundation in comedy for new students who are taking their first lessons in this area. There are lessons about scriptwriting for comedy, how to write jokes and content for TV, tips on directing and casting for TV content, and how to work with directors on set.

There are lessons on this site that expose the secrets behind creating the best comedy content within the students' budget, and how to determine the length of a comedy to ensure that the audience remains engaged while the performance lasts.

Also, students will find excellent comedy courses that reveal the best approach to researching and gathering content for comedy. Another area covered on this site is improvisation in comedy, what to do when the flow of ideas is not as fast as the performer would like.

The comedy courses on this site are helpful; the instructors have been carefully vetted by the administrative team to ensure that only professionals and prolific comedians create and post content for the students who use the site.

5) SuperProf – Comedy Lessons Online

SuperProf Learn Comedy Lessons Online

SuperProf offers all students from different parts of the world an opportunity to learn all about comedy and achieve their dreams. The online comedy lessons on this site are delivered via webcam. The lessons have been created by professionals in the comedy industry and professors who teach arts in reputable universities.

The comedy lessons on this site have been created as flexible learning programs that can be taken by anyone who has access to the internet and a computer. To help the students make a better decision when they are searching for a suitable course, the teachers offer the first comedy lesson for free. This is an introductory lesson that exposes all the information and knowledge the students who take the course will learn.

The learning structure on this site allows the teachers to present comedy courses that are billed by the hour. This allows busy people the freedom to keep up with the lessons because they can schedule their learning programs to start when they are free.

There are more than fifty tutors on this site, who have created online comedy lessons. These tutors have been rated by past students on a scale of five. This makes it easy for new students to select the best tutor to learn from.

The rating approach is a good idea; it helps to ensure that the tutors deliver their best to help the students who want to learn all about comedy online.

In addition to performing stand-up comedy on a stage, or in front of other audiences, the students can learn all about scriptwriting for comedy productions, and how to improve comedy by infusing music.

The interactive learning program also helps the students establish better communication with the tutors to find more tips on overcoming issues such as stage fright, or unresponsiveness from the audience.

6) Creativelive – Comedy Lessons Online

Creativelive Learn Comedy Lessons Online

One of the good things about this website is that there are so many comedy lessons that have been created for a wide audience. It is possible to find lessons that cover all areas of comedy, which means a student can focus on learning on this site and achieve their dreams.

The comedy lessons are created as videos that have good audio and high-quality visuals. It is easy to choose a comedy lesson, the student only needs to sign up on the site and select the comedy lessons that they are interested in taking.

The lessons are offered online, and the course schedule is flexible. It is possible to take comedy lessons that have been featured on this site even when you have a full-time job. The flexible learning schedule makes it easy for all students to cope with the lessons.

The comedy lessons on this site cover the foundational educational knowledge that beginners should know. Also, the learning level includes intermediate and advanced comedy lessons that have been created by some of the best teachers and accomplished comedians.

Through this program, the student will learn how to improve their presentations during a performance and develop confidence. Some lessons teach students how to read the audience and the best ways to keep them engaged during the delivery.

There are also lessons that teach upcoming stand-up comedians all about maintaining stamina for long-hours of stand-up comedy without losing the attention of the audience. At the end of the course, students will know how to select the best stories that are most suitable for the occasion.

7) Skillshare.com – Online Comedy Lessons

Skillshare Learn Comedy Lessons Online

There are over a hundred comedy lessons on this site. The admin team who manages the website has added options to make the learning experience much better for all students.

It is possible to select comedy lessons that have been created as a premium package or free courses. Students can also choose lessons that fall within a particular duration that is most convenient for them regarding their busy schedules.

This is a dynamic learning program. Students who are interested in different types of comedy delivery can find the right course to learn more about their chosen niche. For example, there is a dedicated lesson that teaches students all about sketch comedy. This involved creating comedic sketches that are entertaining to the viewer.

Also, aspiring stand-up comedians will find the best courses on the site, such as the art of dynamic speaking as a comedian, humorous public speaking, and how to improve comedic performances with music. There are dedicated lessons that cover important aspects of comedy such as writing comedic content and researching to gather content for a particular presentation.

Overall, the lessons on this site are focused on developing a confident comedian who is well rounded and can continue a lengthy performance without running out of content that makes the audience laugh.

8) Gold Comedy – Online Lessons

Gold Comedy Learn Comedy Lessons Online

This special learning program features an online course that has been created for girls who are interested in becoming comedians. The lessons on this site have been arranged as a presentation that starts from the basics to teach all students the fundamentals of learning and delivering the best comedic content.

The lessons are for female teenagers who have discovered that they are interested in comedic content and others who derive pleasure in making people laugh.

The course covers the essential aspects of comedy that aim to help the students become excellent in their chosen comedy field. There are lessons that teach the students all about researching, gathering, and writing content to make their comedy jokes unique. This course aims to help each student create five unique comedy jokes before the learning program ends.

Also, students who are interested in stand-up comedy will participate in a learning program that involves a one-minute comedy presentation at the end of the course. The performances of the students are recorded and presented to the instructor for an assessment. The review helps the student understand areas they may need to work on as comedians.

All students will also participate in the assembly of a comedy set, and taking on different challenges that will help them develop their skills to make people laugh. At the end of this comedy course, the girls will be expected to know all about writing content for comedy, developing stamina for lengthy performances and sourcing for unique resources to improve their performance during a comedy show.

9) John Roy's Comedy Lessons Online

John Roy's Learn Comedy Lessons Online

John Roy is a popular comedian who has built his reputation as an unusual comedian with a nerdy look. John Roy leverages his diverse background to entwine different captivating stories that make his audience roll on the floor, laughing.

This comedy program created by John Roy is completely free. And it can be taken by everyone who wants to learn how to tell funny jokes and stories.

The comedy lessons have been presented by John Roy as written entries and illustrations that can be read online and video links that can be streamed. John hopes to help more students to avoid paying a lot of money to learn comedy online, which is why he has revealed his comedic secrets to the public for free.

During this course, the students can read the different entries at a convenient time. The entries feature descriptions of the different aspects of comedy, and John has included instructions to guide the students on how to improve their comedic skills.

This comedy course online is scheduled to last for twelve weeks. At the end of each lesson, there are study questions that test the students' understanding of the lesson and if they can proceed to take the next lesson.

Overall, the comedy lessons in this program are created to help upcoming comedians to develop confidence and improve their stage performances with lively and engaging content. Students who take this course will also learn all about researching content to create unique jokes that will make them stand out in the comedy industry.

10) Comedy Workshop – Online Comedy Lessons

Comedy Workshop Learn Comedy Lessons Online

This comprehensive comedy course is presented online by the outstanding comedian named Judy Carter. It is a structured learning program that can help upcoming comedians to become more confident and knowledgeable about developing their comedic skills.

Students who take this course will learn the secrets of becoming funny, and how they can get noticed in the comedy industry. This is also a great online comedy learning program for students who would like to start a career as stand-up comedians and get paid for their performances.

During this course, the students will be introduced to different products that have been created to help upcoming comedians improve their skills. There is a Comedy Bible and a book on how to become an excellent stand-up comedian.

The lessons in this course focus on stand-up comedy and other related areas such as speech writing, writing jokes and how to draft the best punch lines to improve a comedy performance.

The lessons are interactive and personalised. Students can take advantage of individual comedy coaching lessons that are done via Skype. These lessons are handled by some of the best writers in Hollywood who focus on comedy.

In addition to the video lessons on the site, students can also download audio files and eBooks on comedy lessons that cover particular areas such as the proper type of language to use how to develop confidence and stamina as well as choosing the right stories that align with the comedy plot.

The comedy lessons are for everyone, there are fundamental lessons that can be taken by beginners who are just discovering how to use their talent.

11) Stand-up Comedy Classes Online

Stand-up Learn Comedy Lessons Online

The Stand-up Comedy Class features learning materials and an online course that can help upcoming comics improve their skills. The lessons are presented as videos that can be streamed from any location in the world. All the students need to start this comedy class is an internet connection and a smartphone or laptop.

The comedy lessons have been created for students at all levels such as beginners, intermediate and advanced learners. The lessons are short, they last for about fifteen minutes and can be taken at any time the students are free from their busy daily schedules.

The lead instructor on this site is named Gerry Katzman. He is a stand-up comic, writer, producer, and actor. Gerry is a great teacher; many students have written excellent testimonials about their good experience while taking this online comedy course.

Gerry has appeared on TV shows such as Lucky on Fox, and Ned on Nickelodeon, he has also appeared on comedy shows such as The Laugh Factory, The Comedy Store, and Magic Castle among others.

Gerry has created this online comedy course to guide beginners who are just starting their experience as comics. The students who take this course will learn all about performing as a comic, how to source for unique content to engage their audience and the best tips to write comedy content for TV, Radio, or film productions.

The lessons that focus on live performances in front of an audience. The students will learn how to use the right language that is suitable for different audiences; they are also coached on how to create comedic content that can be used to keep an audience engaged for a long period, in cases where the comedy show is lengthy.

Overall, all the students who take this course will learn and understand the secrets that have helped Gerry Katzman become a successful comic.

12) Comedy Lessons Online – Ed2Go.com

Ed2Go.com Learn Comedy Lessons Online

This comedy course is an online learning program that has been created for comedy writers who need a boost to progress in their careers. The online course is presented as videos that can be streamed on computers and smartphones.

The online course can be taken for students at all learning levels, such as beginners, intermediate and advanced learners. During the course, the students will be taught by some of the best teachers and active writers who have created outstanding comic works.

The lessons are all about creating humour. The beginners start with the introductory lessons that explain the basics of creating humour for different audiences. The students are given an opportunity to choose their learning program.

The options include learning how to create comic content from an instructor, which is a structured program with fixed schedules. The second option is the fast-paced learning program that can progress according to the students' schedule.

The lessons cover important aspects of developing comic content and performance, such as studying the audience to identify the best approach to make them laugh, and understand the process of creating jokes.

The students are also introduced to the different forms of humour, which include the use of absurd situations, exaggeration and how to tell funny stories that will get the audience reeling in laughter.

There are lessons on the use of satire, parody and how to create humour with sarcasm. These are comic areas that can be entwined with personal experiences to create humour that will make everyone laugh.

On the site, the instructors have published the specifications for the best computers that can be used to have a wonderful learning experience while taking this comedy course online. In addition to the videos, instructional materials will also be provided for download after the students complete their registration.

13) Lesson Planet – Online Comedy Lessons

Lesson Planet Learn Comedy Lessons Online

The Lesson Planet website is an educational platform that has been dedicated to teaching students who are interested in visual and performing arts. Comedy falls under this educational platform. The lessons on this site have been developed for students of all ages, including young children who want to explore their talents to create content for comedy.

The lessons are about encouraging the students' inner abilities to create humour from situations in their lives, surroundings and other experiences that the audience can relate to.

There are over 300 online comedy lessons on this site. The comedy lesson plans have been diversified to give each student a solid background in comedy. Also, the teachers have included different case studies in the lessons that give the students an insight into how humour can be created with satire, exaggeration, parody and sarcasm.

The lessons also help students to identify the differences between features such as comedy and literature, film, drama as well as the different genres of comedy.

The lessons on this site have been rated according to a five-star scale, which enables the students to understand the experience of other students and if the lesson will be a good match for them. Lessons on comedy last for a few days, beneath the course description, the instructor indicated the duration of the lesson.

All students who are interested in learning about comedy on this site can get a free trial to confirm if the course they are interested in taking is a good match for them.

Choosing the Best Comedy Lesson Online

The best thing about taking comedy courses online is the versatility of the learning programs. The students can create a plan to develop their skills to become comedians in a given time.

Also, the courses are taught by professionals who have been vetted by the administrative team on educational sites. Learning from individual owned sites is also great because it is easy to confirm whether the main teacher is a successful comedian or teacher.

The requirements to take many of the comedy lessons online are simple. In many cases, all the students need to get started is an internet connection and a good computer.


Source: https://www.cmuse.org/learn-comedy-lesson-online/

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