Warrior Cat Fan Art Warrior Cat Fan Art Blood Will Spill Blood

"We have great plans for the woods, Tigerstar and I, and you could have been part of them. Merely we don't demand you considering you are weak and care more for kin than for power. I don't."
— Hawkfrost mocking Brambleclaw in Sunset, page 298

Hawkfrost is a nighttime brown tabby tom[20] with a snow-white underbelly[21] and ice-blue optics.[22]

Hawkfrost was a RiverClan warrior nether Leopardstar's leadership in the wood and lake territories and was a member in the Nighttime Forest. Hawk was built-in a rogue to Sasha and Tigerstar alongside his littermates, Polliwog and Moth. Afterward Polliwog's decease, Sasha took her kits to RiverClan, where he was renamed Hawkkit, and later became an amateur as Hawkpaw, beingness mentored past Leopardstar. Later becoming a warrior, Hawkfrost was made deputy temporarily, merely was demoted back to a warrior after Mistyfoot returned. Post-obit the arrival at the lake, he urged Mudclaw in his rebellion and grew close to his half-brother, Brambleclaw.

Hawkfrost and Brambleclaw trained in the Night Wood by their father, and once Brambleclaw became ThunderClan'due south deputy, Hawkfrost lured Firestar into a play a trick on trap for Brambleclaw to kill; however, his one-half-brother impaled Hawkfrost with the fox trap, mortally injuring him; he subsequently descended to the Night Forest. Hawkfrost trained Ivypool, having such faith in her, until she sided with the Clans in the Great Battle, and in the wake of Ivypool'southward betrayal, he killed Hollyleaf. Eventually, Hawkfrost faced Mothwing and killed Dapplenose, and after confronting Brambleclaw, his half-brother killed him a second time, making him vanish forever.


  • 1 History
    • 1.1 The New Prophecy
    • 1.2 Ability of Three
    • one.3 Omen of the Stars
    • 1.4 Novellas
    • 1.5 Tigerstar and Sasha
    • 1.half dozen Stand up-lonely graphic novels
  • 2 Detailed description
  • 3 Grapheme pixels
    • 3.1 Main images
    • 3.2 Alternating images
  • 4 Official fine art
  • v Killed victims
  • 6 Ceremonies
  • 7 Relationships
    • 7.i Bramblestar
    • 7.ii Blackclaw
    • 7.three Ivypool
  • 8 Family
  • 9 Appearances
  • 10 Trivia
  • 12 External links
  • 13 Notes and references


Looking for a longer overview? Find 1 here!

The New Prophecy

"You take no reason to doubt yourself. Our father was a great warrior. Our mother is proud and stiff. They shared just one flaw: that their only loyalty was—and still is, in Sasha'due south case—to themselves above all other cats. We're not similar that. We understand what it means to be loyal to our Clan. We have the courage to live past the warrior lawmaking. And because of that nosotros'll be the most powerful cats in RiverClan one solar day, and our Clanmates volition have to respect us then."
―Hawkfrost displaying his ambition to Mothwing and Leafpaw Dawn (book), page 170
Hawkfrost is a new warrior of RiverClan and is popular among his Clanmates. His and Mothwing'due south heritage continues to haunt them every bit cats from other Clans distrust them for their mother being a rogue. When Mistyfoot is captured by Twolegs, Hawkfrost is promoted to deputy as her placement. His appetite continues to drive his decisions when Mistyfoot returns. When his male parent being Tigerstar is revealed to the rest of the Clans, Hawkfrost insists he is a loyal warrior defended to the code, and Brambleclaw finds kinship in his half-brother. Hawkfrost decides to stay with RiverClan when Sasha arrives and asks for her kits to stay with her earlier the Groovy Journeying.

Hawkfrost arguing with Mistyfoot

When the Clans go far in their new home, Hawkfrost suggests RiverClan should live on the isle and openly challenges Mistyfoot when she disagrees. He sides with Mudclaw in his rebellion to overthrow Onewhisker, just subsequently changes his listen to salve Brambleclaw. The brothers grow closer and walk in the same dreams under the guidance of their begetter, Tigerstar, who wishes for them to exist leaders of their Clans anytime. When Stormfur and Brook, the former of which could become deputy in the future, return to RiverClan, Hawkfrost forces Mothwing to imitation a dream foretelling the two outsiders to leave. During an argument, Hawkfrost reveals he faked a sign to Mudfur that helped his sister become the medicine cat apprentice.
After Brambleclaw becomes the deputy of ThunderClan, Hawkfrost is pleased, and Tigerstar'south plans for revenge begin to fall into identify. Hawkfrost, with the help of the ThunderClan warrior, Ashfur, manages to lure Firestar into a fox trap. He instructs Brambleclaw to impale Firestar and get the leader of ThunderClan, but Brambleclaw decides his loyalties belong to ThunderClan. Brambleclaw frees Firestar and kills Hawkfrost with the remains of the trick trap that Firestar was stuck in. Hawkfrost bleeds out into the lake and fulfills the prophecy "claret will spill blood".

Power of Three

"Y'all vanquish a bunch of one-half-starved, untrained rogues. Wow. That's a existent sign of a bang-up warrior!"
―Hawkfrost taunting Lionpaw Eclipse, page 47
The rest of the Clans were unaware of how Hawkfrost died, and his Clanmates had mourned his death. At present residing in the Dark Wood with his father, he and Tigerstar have interest in Brambleclaw'south sons, Jaypaw and Lionpaw. The two train Lionpaw, didactics him some battle moves, and Hawkfrost confronts him for teaching Heatherpaw, an amateur of WindClan. When Lionpaw tells them about the Kin of your Kin prophecy, the two Dark Wood toms instantly mock him for believing in it. Lionblaze eventually cuts off ties with the two, leaving them hungry for revenge.

Omen of the Stars

"Be careful? There'due south a state of war coming and information technology won't exist won with sheathed claws. I idea you were helping to train our recruits to fight like real warriors, not soft Association cats."
―Hawkfrost against Ivypool when she's training the recruits The Last Hope, pages 5-vi
Alongside other Dark Woods cats, Hawkfrost assists in raising an regular army of Association trainees, 1 of the almost notable being Ivypaw. At beginning, he lures Ivypaw by showing her merely as much interest as her Clan shows in her sister, Dovepaw, taking advantage of her jealousy and her feelings equally an outsider in her Clan. He believes Ivypaw to be special, and her skills will greatly support their crusade. Hawkfrost eventually shows his true colors, growing harsher on Ivypaw and trains her to impale others. When Ivypool requests to become a Night Forest warrior, she kills Antpelt to show her loyalty, the brutality of the fight even shocking Hawkfrost.
When the time for the Great Boxing arrives, Hawkfrost is one of the leaders fighting against the Clans with his regular army of loyal trainees. When realizing that Ivypool betrayed him, he attempts to kill her, but Ivypool is rescued by Hollyleaf, and Hawkfrost ends upwardly killing her instead, much to Ivypool's rage. The battle sways in the favor of the Clans, and Hawkfrost attempts to retreat, but is caught past Brambleclaw. His one-half-brother drags him dorsum to ThunderClan's camp where Ivypool attacks him, furious at his murder of Hollyleaf. Hawkfrost tells her that she is a traitor, and he will kill her, but Brambleclaw interferes, killing Hawkfrost again, leaving him to fade into Association history.


This section summarizes Hawkfrost'southward meaning Novellas appearances. If yous're looking for a full list, find ane hither!

"Don't you agree that I'd be a good deputy? Don't y'all desire to assist me? After all we've done for RiverClan, we deserve to lead information technology. No cat respects the warrior code and what being role of a Association ways more than we do."
―Hawkfrost to Mothwing Mothwing's Hugger-mugger, page chapter five
In Mothwing'due south Clandestine , Hawkfrost is determined to evidence his worth to RiverClan and 1 day become leader. Afterwards Mothwing decides to become a medicine cat, Hawkfrost somewhen accepts that her position will evidence benign for both of them, and he fakes a sign signifying StarClan's approval of Mothwing's training. When Stormfur returns to RiverClan, Hawkfrost believes Stormfur poses a threat to his future leadership and manipulates Mothwing to faux a dream to cast Stormfur out. Mothwing learns the truth about her brother'southward decease from Leafpool and accepts the darkness that was always inside him. During the Great Boxing, Mothwing is prepared to face off against her brother until StarClan intervenes.

Tigerstar and Sasha

"I'll make y'all proud, Mama. You'll see."
―Hawkpaw to Sasha as she leaves Return to the Clans, page 84
Sasha gives nativity to Tigerstar'due south kits in the forest and names them Tadpole, Hawk, and Moth. He is close to his blood brother, Tadpole, and bears a hitting resemblance to Tigerstar. Sasha is fearful of ShadowClan discovering her kits' true heritage and confines them to their den. However, the kits decide to search for Sasha's former owner, Ken, but Tadpole drowns in a Twoleg nest. Grieving for Tadpole, Pino takes Sasha and her kits to a befouled with other queens, just they are promptly chased out.
Sasha realizes the safest identify for her kits to grow up is with the Clans, and she takes them to RiverClan and tells her kits about their father. Hawk and Moth are accepted within the Association and soon made apprentices. They discover the remains of the Bonehill, and Leopardstar tells them the horrors Tigerstar committed. The two kits face their mother, and Sasha makes them hope never to reveal who their father was. Recognizing her kits will exist safer if Sasha wasn't around, Sasha leaves her kits in RiverClan, and Leopardstar promises to lookout over them.

Stand-alone graphic novels

In A Shadow in RiverClan ,
Coming Presently
"I'm sorry to have to say it...just at that place's merely one choice I tin run across. Onewhisker has to die. If he dies before StarClan makes him a true leader, Ashfoot won't have any right to succeed him. If she survives, that is. Mudclaw—WindClan's true deputy—will become leader, and Firestar will lose his power over WindClan. It's a difficult choice, but nosotros have to make information technology. For the good of all the Clans."
―Hawkfrost urging his followers to fight Winds of Change, pages 152-153

Hawkfrost hinting at his truthful intentions

In Winds of Change , Hawkfrost approaches Mudclaw at a Gathering, hearing rumors about WindClan's turbulent leadership. He asks Mudclaw to speak with him at the isle later, suggesting that Firestar is decision-making Onewhisker and plans to take over WindClan. He urges Mudclaw that they should discover allies to secure Mudclaw's place as WindClan'due south leader, noting how Firestar is attempting to do the same thing Tigerstar did when he was alive. He suggests that Onewhisker must be killed, and hints to Mudclaw that he should name him WindClan's deputy when he becomes leader. Hawkfrost plans to accept over RiverClan with Brambleclaw heading ThunderClan and Blackstar post-obit in conform. Still during the fight, Firestar and his warriors get in to aid WindClan, and Hawkfrost and Mudclaw flee. Hawkfrost betrays Mudclaw to save Brambleclaw, lying that the rebellion was all Mudclaw'due south idea, and Mudclaw realizes as well late that Hawkfrost manipulated him.

Detailed description

Hawkfrost is a huge,[23] muscular,[24] long-legged,[25] wide-shouldered,[3] mackerel-striped[26] dark brownish tabby tom[20] with a snow-white underbelly,[21] and disordered, dull fur.[27] He has a bushy tail,[28] a scarred,[29] broad muzzle,[2] long claws,[30] huge paws,[31] and water ice-blue eyes.[22]

Graphic symbol pixels

Main images

Alternate images

Official fine art

Killed victims

This list shows the victims Hawkfrost has killed:

  • Firestar[32] (Fifth life, caused)
  • Hollyleaf[33]
  • Dapplenose[27]




When Brambleclaw first sees Hawkfrost, it is at a Gathering where Leopardstar introduces him and Mothwing every bit warriors.[34] Once Brambleclaw gets a closer look at the muscular tom, he exclaims that he would not want to face up him in battle.[22] Brambleclaw discovers that he is kin with Hawkfrost. They share a few sentences, before Hawkfrost orders Brambleclaw and the rest of his patrol off RiverClan territory.[35] After the leaders determine to move in to their new territory, Hawkfrost expresses that he wishes that the 2 could take hunted together, causing Brambleclaw to wonder if he felt kinship for the tom.[36]


Narrator: "Blackclaw was nodding agreement, with a hostile glance at [Mistyfoot]"
Leafpool's thoughts: "Did he call back Hawkfrost should still exist deputy? Was Hawkfrost trying to proceeds followers who were loyal to him lonely, and not to the Association?"
—Blackclaw siding with Hawkfrost Twilight, page 164
Blackclaw was Hawkfrost'due south closest friend, and they often fought beside each other.[37] Blackclaw supported Hawkfrost politically, spreading false rumors virtually the electric current deputy, Mistyfoot, to assistance him replace her,[38] though Hawkfrost kept his more sinister schemes secret from Blackclaw. Then when Hawkfrost mysteriously died, Blackclaw, with the residue of RiverClan, weren't enlightened it was due to a backfired murder endeavour. They mourned for him.[39]


Hawkfrost first appeared to Ivypaw in a dream.[29] He started to assistance her with her battle moves and pretended to be a kind true cat, merely he was really manipulating Ivypaw into joining the Night Forest. When Ivypaw realized what was going on, she spied in the Dark Woods for the Clans. Hawkfrost tried to impale her in the Cracking Battle merely was stopped by Hollyleaf.[40]


His parents are Sasha and Tigerstar, his brother is Tadpole, and his sister is Mothwing. His one-half-brother is Bramblestar and his half-sister is Tawnypelt. For more of Hawkfrost's family unit, click here!


  • Return to the Clans
  • A Shadow in RiverClan
  • Mothwing'south Hush-hush
  • Midnight (First appearance)
  • Moonrise
  • Leopardstar's Honor (manga)
  • Dawn
  • Starlight
  • Winds of Change
  • Twilight
  • Sunset
  • Leafpool's Wish (Mentioned merely)
  • The Sight
  • Dark River
  • Outcast
  • Eclipse
  • Sunrise (Mentioned merely)
  • The Fourth Apprentice
  • Fading Echoes
  • Dark Whispers
  • Sign of the Moon
  • The Forgotten Warrior
  • The Last Hope
  • Dovewing'southward Silence (Mentioned only)
  • Crowfeather'south Trial (Vision or Dream)
  • Darkness Within (Mentioned only)
  • River (Mentioned but)
  • Cats of the Clans
  • Battles of the Clans (Mentioned only)
  • The Ultimate Guide
  • Later on Dusk: The Right Choice? (Mentioned but)
  • Subsequently Dusk: We Demand to Talk (Mentioned only)


Did you know that Hawkfrost is the spitting image of Tigerstar and Bramblestar? For more trivia about Hawkfrost, click here!


External links

Notes and references

  1. one.0 1.i Revealed in The Final Promise, page 319
  2. 2.0 2.1 Revealed in The Sight, page 227
  3. 3.0 3.i 3.two Revealed in Midnight, allegiances
  4. Revealed in Return to the Clans, page 68
  5. Revealed in Return to the Clans, folio 4
  6. 6.0 6.one Revealed in Dusk, folio 299
  7. Revealed in Return to the Clans, page 3
  8. Revealed in the Warriors App
  9. Revealed in Render to the Clans, folio 75
  10. 10.0 10.1 Revealed in Dawn, page fourscore
  11. Revealed in Fading Echoes, folio 230
  12. Revealed in Mothwing's Hole-and-corner, chapter 1
  13. Revealed in The Ultimate Guide, page 74
  14. Revealed in Outcast, folio 171
  15. Revealed in Fading Echoes, pages 120-122
  16. Revealed in Fading Echoes, pages 190-192
  17. Revealed in Sign of the Moon, page 255
  18. Revealed in Fading Echoes, page prologue
  19. Revealed in Dawn, page 156
  20. twenty.0 20.i Revealed in Midnight, page 52
  21. 21.0 21.i Revealed in Fading Echoes, page 2
  22. 22.0 22.one 22.2 Revealed in Midnight, page 53
  23. Revealed in Starlight, page 306
  24. Revealed in Twilight, page 73
  25. Revealed in Eclipse, folio 106
  26. Revealed in Night Whispers, page 165
  27. 27.0 27.one Revealed in Mothwing's Secret, affiliate 8
  28. Revealed in Fading Echoes, page 122
  29. 29.0 29.1 Revealed in Fading Echoes, folio 120
  30. Revealed in Dawn, page 147
  31. Revealed in Moonrise, page 251
  32. Revealed in Sunset, page 295
  33. Revealed in The Concluding Hope, page 295
  34. Revealed in Midnight, folio 48
  35. Revealed in Dawn, page 146
  36. Revealed in Starlight, page 101
  37. Revealed in Starlight, page 234
  38. Revealed in Twilight, page 164
  39. Revealed in The Sight, page 57
  40. Revealed in The Last Promise, page 294


Source: https://warriors.fandom.com/wiki/Hawkfrost

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