Oh Boy Here I Go Killing Again Character

Bo Dennis [1] is a Succubus and the protagonist of Lost Girl.

Bo infobox S1.jpg
Starting time appearance: It's a Fae, Fae, Fae, Fae Earth


Bo (nickname)
Ysabeau (birth name)[two]
Beth Dennis (adoptive proper name)


Bo Jones (faux I.D.)




Hybrid claret


Dark Fae (S4 temporary/deliberate)


Private Investigator

Known Relatives:

Aife (Mother)
Hades (Father)
Dagny (One-half-Sister)
Mary Dennis (Adoptive Female parent)
Sam Dennis (Adoptive Father)
Persephone (Stepmother/Cousin)
Isabeau (Maternal Grandmother)
Trick (Maternal Grandfather)
Zee (Aunt)
Heratio (Uncle)
Iris (Cousin)
Rainer (Handfasting Partner)


  • Superhuman strength
  • Seduce, calm down, or manipulate Fae and humans by touch
  • Feeding by drawing and arresting chi (life free energy)
  • Healing through siphon of chi and past absorption of energy created past sexual activity
  • Resuscitate Fae and humans by transferring chi into them
  • Can see aura of sexual energy
  • Stamina and agility
  • Longevity

In addition to Succubi powers:

  • Highly trained hand-to-hand and weapons combat skills
  • Inherited some Blood Sage traits from her maternal grandad: if her blood comes into contact with an open wound information technology may enthrall the recipient
  • Inherited blood abilities from her father: to elevator curses; resurrect the dead on battlefields; enslave the masses or gratis them.

Portrayed by:

Anna Silk

" Life is hard when you don't know who yous are. It'southward harder when you don't know what you are. My honey carries a capital punishment. I was lost for years. Searching while hiding. Just to find that I belong to a world hidden from humans. I won't hibernate anymore. I will live the life I choose. "

– Bo'south monologue (opening championship sequence)


Bo chi-drains and kills
1.01 "It'southward a Fae, Fae, Fae, Fae World"

Born in Hel, Bo is the girl of Hades and his prisoner Aife. She was taken abroad from her father's reach every bit an infant and left with a homo couple that adopted and raised her. During her get-go sexual feel, she involuntarily killed her high school swain past draining him of his Chi (life energy). Not knowing what she had done and why it had happened, Bo ran away from home. For ten years, before she was discovered by the Fae, she lived a life without friends or family, moving from place to identify, and changing identities each time she killed once more. It was not until she was helped by the Light Fae'southward human physician and scientist that she finally learned what she was and how to control her chi-draining powers.

Character arc

Bo Episode 101.jpg

Fiddling was known nearly Bo's early life beyond the fact that her birth mother, Aife, gave her up as an infant and so that her evil father, a Dark King, would not keep her. She lived with her adoptive man parents as "Beth Dennis" and grew up in Grimley, believing that she was human. Her securely religious conservative parents oftentimes took her to church and, moreover, they taught her that sex was evil. Despite her upbringing, during her first sexual experience at the age of eighteen she was unable to control her urges and unintentionally killed her beau, Kyle Williams, by chi-draining him. Scared and dislocated, she turned to her parents for their succor, but instead, they revealed that she was adopted. They informed Bo that they knew nothing of her origins and that the only trace they had of her past was a baby photo of her with the name "Bo" written on the back. Angered, she ran away from domicile, creating different identifications in guild to escape detection, non only fearing that she was existence sought for Kyle's murder, but fleeing after killing a sexual activity-partner.

In the show'south first episode, It'south a Fae, Fae, Fae, Fae World, Bo is seen working as a bartender at a hotel bar. This is where she first meets Kenzi, who is at that place pick-pocketing its clients. An aggressive male patron targets Kenzi, slips a appointment-rape drug into her beverage, and so follows her to the elevator. Bo, who had seen what he had done and knew what he was upwards to, followed them, and to save Kenzi she chi-tuckered and killed him. When the body is later discovered, both Dyson and Hale, Light Fae who work as detectives in the human constabulary force, surmise that the human being was killed by a Fae and investigate further. When they realize Bo is the assailant, they abduct her and take her to The Ash for interrogation.

"I will live the life I choose."
i.08 "Vexed"

Dr. Lauren Lewis, the Lite Fae's human physician and scientist, examines Bo and is able to deduce that Bo is a Succubus. Bo is confused but happy to notice out that she is non abnormal and that there are others like her. Lauren informs Bo that with assistance she can learn to control her powers and no longer unwittingly impale someone in lodge to feed, which profoundly relieves Bo.

Bo is forced by the Fae to prove herself in a "trial past combat", afterwards which she is given the choice to marshal herself with either the Lite or Night Fae clan. Only afterward Kenzi had risked her own life to detect out what had happened to Bo and try to help her, Bo refuses to join either side, proclaiming, "I cull humans!"

Although the two Fae leaders of the local territory, The Ash and The Morrigan, were uncertain about Bo'due south decision to remain neutral, Trick convinced them to accept it in order to find out who had been responsible for concealing her existence for and so many years.

With Kenzi as her "sidekick," Bo established herself every bit a private investigator for Fae and human clients, her neutral status assuasive her to interact with Calorie-free Fae and Dark Fae for data, even if she is not protected confronting attacks by either clan.

Bo's Private Investigation Services (103).png

In Caged Fae, Bo asked Lauren to be with her in a committed human relationship. Although her succubus feeding needs eventually fabricated it difficult for her to go on to be sexually exclusive, information technology was the first fourth dimension Bo had willingly tried to be in a monogamous relationship and the outset fourth dimension she said "I love you" to a romantic partner.

Through events that transpired, Lauren became increasingly discouraged, driving her to examine the relationship they had together. In Delinquents, Lauren told Bo that she thought she would always exist asking from her more she could requite in return, and revealed her unhappiness. After years with the Fae, what had happened to Nadia, and the boxing against The Garuda, Lauren felt that she was losing herself, and thought they needed a break. Apprehensive and heartbroken, Bo agreed to a separation.

In Turn to Stone, Bo is informed by The Keeper of The Una Mens that her blood had chosen a side and it was Night Fae.

In Waves, nonetheless, it emerged that Bo had deliberately aligned herself with the Dark then that she could find her way back to the Death Train and save Rainer from it. She had created the Succubus Annunciation herself and had Rainer witness her signature, appearing as her sponsor. Knowing she would lose her memory of her month on the train when she left it, Bo set upwardly a serial of clues to notice her manner dorsum to it and Rainer.

4.11 "End of a Line"

In Cease of a Line, Rainer's face suddenly materialized in a blank page of a book at The Clubhouse, and when Tamsin asked Bo who it was, a surprised Bo told her information technology was Rainer, the one who had hired Tamsin to discover Bo; however, Tamsin informed Bo that the confront was not that of "her boss" – which meant that Rainer was not The Wanderer.

While searching for information most Rainer in a history volume from the Dark Fae athenaeum, Lauren plant the image of The Wanderer in it. She read the prophecy to Bo and showed her the image, and though it bore a resemblance to Rainer, Bo refused to listen Lauren'south warning most her interest with him. Afterwards, Rosette (The Knight) told Bo and Rainer that if by the seventh mean solar day of Rainer leaving the Death Train the two were non united as each other'south spouse, he would die. To save his life and, she idea, for what was right for her family unit and good of the Fae, Bo went through with the handfasting anniversary. However, their becoming united was a trick by Rosette that made it possible for the portal to Hel to be opened and release the Lord of Darkness (Origin).

The Wanderer in Dark Archives history book
4.12 "Origin"

In Dark Equus caballus, Bo concluded that she was, in effect, a hybrid after she asked Flim-flam to tell her everything he knew about her blood. Fob explained to Bo that Aife had his Light claret — the blood of a mage — blood that tuckered life for nourishment or self survival. Only the claret of her begetter, whoever he might be, allowed her to draw life from many victims, and transfer that life force to someone other than herself. She had inherited the abilities of both her mother and her father.

In Like Hell Pt.2, Bo discovered through Persephone that she was born in Hel (aka Tartarus).

Bo and Lauren connected to cooperate in Fae matters, merely had not been intimate once again. They were in Evony Fleurette Marquise'due south (The Morrigan) Marquise Medical Dispensary, where Lauren had get its chief medical officer, when a cataclysmic storm created past the Ancients caused a coma and, when lone, Lauren revealed to Bo the real reason why she was "working" for Evony. They seized the moment and made dearest for the first time since their separation (Here Comes the Nighttime). Subsequently their coupling, Bo considered what she truly desired and told Lauren that she wanted to be together with her. Lauren was caught off-guard and hesitated; however, later on, she accepted being in a relationship again (End of Faes).

Dark Bo

Night Bo threatens Lauren
3.05 "Faes Broad Shut"

Nighttime Bo is Bo's powerful dark alter-ego that revealed itself for the offset time in Decease Didn't Become Him when Lauren'southward life was threatened past The Lich.

In Faes Broad Shut, Bo'due south dark side took control of her when Lauren and Kenzi'due south life were threatened, attacking those responsible in a vehement and powerfully aggressive rampage. She needed Lauren to stand up to her and coax her back to normal. After passing The Dawning, Bo's powers increased.


Bo's dagger

Bo's sexual orientation is bisexual.[three] [iv]

She has i human foot in each of two worlds: the Fae and the Human.

Bo is fiercely independent and chooses not to subjugate herself to either the Calorie-free Fae or Dark Fae, and frequently disregards the rules of the Fae earth in guild to do things her own way. Despite being independent, she has shown great loyalty to her friends, frequently risking her life to help them.

Having suffered verbal and religious conservative abuse from her adoptive parents, Bo harbored a great deal of resentment and guilt towards them. Earlier making peace with her adoptive mother, Mary, she confessed that her mother's cruel words about her beingness "a monster" — after Bo sought her help and support when she acquired Kyle's death — often echoed within her head.

Considering she grew upwards among humans, Bo does not regard them as junior beings as most other Fae do, and prefers to live amongst them while still keeping her truthful nature hidden.

Due to her succubus species, Bo is an extremely sexual being, needing sex not only to feed and survive, just also to heal. Since learning how to control her chi-cartoon powers, Bo has been able to enjoy sex freely without fear of killing a sexual partner.

Despite being a succubus, Bo has expressed her desire for a monogamous relationship. She has deep romantic feelings for both Dyson and Lauren, and goes on to explore personal relationships with each of them at different times. In the third flavor, Bo asked Lauren to be with her in a monogamous relationship and although she tried to be physically true-blue, her need to feed could non sustain it. Being with Lauren, even so, was the first time Bo said "I honey y'all" to anyone.


ane.07 "ArachnoFaebia"

  • Kenzi: Bo's human best friend and sidekick. They live together in an abased old house nicknamed The Clubhouse. They are partners in a private investigation business. Their relationship tin best be described as a very close sisterly bail. Bo has described Kenzi as smart, honest, kind, and makes Bo feel normal and special. Kenzi is Bo's heart. After Kenzi sacrificed herself to save Bo from death, Bo was devastated and went to great lengths to bring Kenzi back from the afterlife. Although Kenzi left boondocks to find her own place afterwards her resurrection, she agreed with Bo's description of them as sisters and assured Bo that she would always be a part of her life.
  • Dyson: A Wolf-Shifter. Bo'south relationship with Dyson is both intense and complicated. Because Dyson is Fae, Bo is able to feed off him without causing much harm. They initially had an arrangement in which Dyson permit Bo chi-feed from him and heal from the sexual energy created between them. This caused them to develop feelings for each other and they brutal in love.

1.02 "Where There's a Will, There's a Fae"

In Vexed, he stopped Bo from killing Vex, a Dark Fae Mesmer, because, as he said, "If you lot kill him they won't end until you're dead." In the finale episode of Season ane, Dyson offered his wolf to The Norn so that Bo could have his strength when she battled Aife, only The Norn tricked him and took his dearest for Bo and his ability to love anyone else. Bo bankrupt up with Dyson when she discovered that he had lied to her about knowing who her birth mother was and that he had been Trick's hole-and-corner amanuensis assigned to go on her under sentry. In Into the Dark, Kenzi forced The Norn to requite her the vial containing Dyson's beloved essence and his love for Bo was restored, merely he did not tell Bo. During Season 2 and Season 3 the two are exclusively friends; however, during Bo'south Dawning passage inside The Temple, Dyson finally confessed to Bo that he loved her, but would not interfere with her relationship with Lauren, and would wait for her.
  • Lauren: A human doctor and scientist, and holding of The Ash (leader of the Calorie-free Fae). In the first episode of the serial, Lauren examined Bo and was able to determine that she was a succubus, and offered to help Bo learn how to control her chi and sexual energy drawing then that she could feed or heal without hurting or killing anyone. They became friends, with an obvious sexual and romantic attraction between them.

1.08 "Vexed"

Nonetheless, Bo did not act on her attraction for fear that she would injure Lauren. Bo finally gave in when Lauren seduced her in Vexed, after The Ash commanded Lauren to detect a way to distract "the succubus" and then that Bo could be delayed from finding out about Vex and prevent her from confronting him. If Bo were to injure or kill Vex information technology would have created a volatile problem between the Light and Dark Fae, and provided The Morrigan with a reason to execute Bo. After Lauren admitted to Bo that she had been ordered by The Ash to distract her, Bo felt betrayed and relations between them became tense; and although Lauren tried several times to explain her reasons to Bo, she would non listen. After the suicide attack in Claret Lines that killed many Light Fae Elders and critically injured The Ash, Lauren helped Bo recover the Koushang which would assistance her when she confronted Aife. Bo promised to make amends with Lauren after the fight and they shared a osculation before Bo left. Their friendship was restored in Season 2, but experienced many obstacles after the new Ash, Lachlan, restricted most of the personal liberty Lauren had been allowed by the previous Ash. In BrotherFae of the Wolves, Lauren sought sanctuary in Bo'south home and their romantic relationship was rekindled in It's Better to Fire Out Than Fae Away. Bo and then discovered that Lauren had a girlfriend, Nadia, that had been lying in a comatose state for 5 years and for which finding a cure was the reason Lauren had pledged herself as a servant to The Ash.

ii.08 "Expiry Didn't Become Him"

Lauren institute out from Lachlan that the previous Ash had a Dark Shaman curse Nadia into a coma and then that he could retain Lauren as his scientist and doc human holding. Bo and Lauren maintained a close relationship until Bo (sworn to secrecy by Lachlan) released Nadia from the expletive and they shifted into being "very good friends". Later Bo was forced to impale Nadia when she threatened Lauren's life, the romantic relationship that had existed between them was gradually reinvigorated. In Season 3, Bo asked Lauren to exist with her in a real relationship together and their union was the kickoff fourth dimension Bo said "I love you lot" to anyone. Bo initially tried to be sexually monogamous, but it caused problems for her succubus feeding needs. Lauren understood Bo'due south nature and told her she could feed from others, except for Dyson (because he was her ex-lover). However, later Tamsin tells Lauren in Delinquents that she and Bo had kissed without it having involved feeding (unaware that the kiss was the result of Trick and Stella touching the Dawning Invitation Automobile at the same time they start kissed in Fae-ge Against The Machine), Lauren felt injure and discouraged, and non able to give Bo what she needed. Afterward, Lauren then told Bo that she wanted a "break" from the relationship. In Turn to Stone, while looking effectually in Lauren's apartment, Bo institute the folder with the wanted affiche showing Karen Beattie as Lauren'south existent name.

Lauren refused being claimed
four.05 "Allow the Dark Times Whorl"

Bo and Lauren are reunited in Allow the Dark Times Roll after not seeing each other since their come across in front of Dr. Isaac Taft (Those Who Wander). They kissed passionately, happy to see each other once again and delighting in their reunion, using the short amount of time they had for a 'quickie'. Bo shocked Lauren when she told her that her blood had chosen the Dark Fae and she was no longer unaligned. Lauren, in plough, shocked Bo by informing her that she was now working with the Dark later The Morrigan offered protection and liberty without a binding agreement. When Bo told Lauren she could both protect and free her by challenge her, Lauren rejected being owned by Bo and chose to stay with the Dark instead, and said to her, "You're Fae. I'm human. So I'll always exist a prisoner. The least I tin do is cull my ain muzzle." Bo walked abroad stunned. Afterwards a long separation they fabricated beloved again (Here Comes the Night), and Bo later asked Lauren to give them a chance to be together anew, which Lauren accustomed (End of Faes).
Lauren tried to keep their human relationship permanent by turning herself into Fae, (specifically a Conduit that could use the powers of any Fae she makes contact with). Only Lauren eventually made herself human over again considering she felt like she was losing herself. She then tearfully broke upward with Bo in one case again because she didn't want Bo to suffer when she (Lauren) died of former age.
At the end of the Serial, Lauren finally fabricated up her mind and said to Bo, "I human, Lauren Lewis, wanna spend the residue of my life with you, Succubus, Bo Dennis." Lauren promised to Bo that she would not suspension her heart a third time and said that though their relationship may be complicated, information technology was worth it. Lauren asks Bo, "Do you remember we can practice this?" Bo thinks for a minute, says, "I exercise." and they kiss once again, renewing their relationship for adept.
  • Flim-flam: Her maternal gramps and Aife's male parent (Into the Dark). He was The Blood King that used his Blood Sage powers to write the peace truce catastrophe The Nifty War between the Calorie-free and Fae clans, and created the Blood Laws that thereafter governed the Fae world.
  • Aife: Her Succubus nascency mother. When Bo first met her, she was posed every bit "Saskia", a succubus who wanted to educate Bo on the means of her species. When Bo discovered that Aife was her mother, she was willing to speak to her and learn about her, fifty-fifty later on she kidnapped Bo. Afterwards Bo realized that Aife was evil, the two fought in hand-to-hand gainsay. Bo won the fight after Trick used his Blood Sage powers to revive Aife's maternal bond, and cease her from hurting and killing Bo; while Dyson simultaneously supplicated The Norn to transfer his wolf strength to Bo. Aife let herself autumn from the acme of a staircase and her body was seen being carried away by an unidentified man. In Season 2, Aife's whereabouts were unknown. In Season iii, she resurfaced every bit a Fae specimen bars within a glass cell inside Dr. Isaac Taft's laboratory, along with Dyson.
  • Hades: Her father and Rex of the Underworld, Tartarus. Until Like Hell Pt.2, he was known only equally a Dark King. A powerful and evil beingness, he held Aife prisoner for centuries, during which time she gave nativity to Bo inside his prison house. Bo has referred to him as a "monster" and has feared that she, too, could be a monster because of him. He is perceived every bit a god by many Fae. His species and extent of his powers have not yet been established.
  • Zee: Her aunt, an Ancient Fae and sis of Hades.
  • Iris: Her cousin, an Aboriginal Fae and daughter of Zee.

Persephone and Bo
v.02 "Like Hell Pt.2"

  • Persephone: Her stepmother, an Aboriginal Fae and helpmate of Hades. They met for the kickoff time when Bo was sent down to Tartarus from Valhalla (Like Hell Pt.two). Injured by a Goblin, Bo chi-fed from her to heal and the 2 then made love. Afterwards, Persephone informed Bo that she was her stepmother. She is also Bo'south cousin by virtue of Hades being the brother of Zee and as such, Persephone'southward uncle.

Bo feeding from Ryan
2.eighteen "Fae-nted Love"

  • Ryan Lambert: A Dark Fae Loki with whom Bo had an on-going sexual relationship in Season two. Ryan and Bo's hedonistic relationship thrived on the fact that neither of them was interested in an emotional, committed human relationship. Bo also used him to heal and he was willing to let her feed from him. After Kenzi discovered that Ryan was Night Fae, Kenzi told Bo to stop the relationship. Bo lied to Kenzi and continued the relationship behind her dorsum. However, they both ended it after nearly marrying each other as a upshot of her accidentally enthralling him with her blood, which coincided with her beingness struck by a Fae-induced amnesia (Fae-nted Love).
  • Rainer: The insubordinate warrior whose soul was cursed past The Blood King to ride for eternity on the Decease Train of damned souls. Bo met him when she was transported to the Death Train at the end of Those Who Wander. She believed he was her destiny and became lovers with him. They were tricked by Rosette into assertive they needed to become united in a handfasting ceremony then that he would not die by the seventh day of his departure from the train. Their union caused the portal to Hel to exist opened and release the Lord of Darkness. He is killed by Massimo.

Powers and abilities

1.01 "It'due south a Fae, Fae, Fae, Fae Earth"

Several times through the starting time season she was referred to as being untrained, but displayed exceptional intuitive skills; and she has become stronger as she learns more about herself. Her powers include:

  • Suctioning the chi (life strength) from someone during a kiss. (Her eyes turn a luminous bluish when this occurs.)
  • Accelerated healing past "feeding" through kissing or absorbing the energy created from having sex activity.
  • Draining several beings at once. This happened for the first fourth dimension in Death Didn't Go Him when Lauren's life was threatened past The Lich, revealing a Dark Bo alter ego when anger and desperation ignited her rage. Her entire body glowed and her voice changed, becoming very deep and resounding. While in this country she hinted at another, stronger ability by proclaiming that she could be the most powerful Fae of all:

ii.08 "Death Didn't Become Him"

"I tin can be more powerful than all other Fae. Anybody will kneel at my feet. There will be no more than Night and no more Light. There volition be only me."
Upon which she chi-drained everyone in the room except Lauren, bankrupt the collar and chain that held her, and thereafter lost consciousness. When she revived, she could not recall what had only happened. She too appeared to be stronger and faster than the already high level she had been.
  • Replenishing a person'south chi. Control of this power was express at first, just since The Dawning she tin also revive a dead person by transferring the combined chi of several life forces into them (this power to resurrect must exist washed rapidly before too much fourth dimension has passed or it will not succeed). In Dark Horse, Flim-flam explained to Bo that her power to depict the life force from many bodies and transfer all of information technology to someone else other than herself came from her still-unknown Night Fae begetter.

Bo using succubus touch to manipulate
1.03 "Oh Kappa, My Kappa"

  • Decision-making a person by temporarily enthralling them with her touch – this ability merely works if the person would be receptive to Bo's sexual advances (she had no effect on a Gay male security guard in Nutrient for Idea).
  • Can tell the level of lust a person feels by seeing the color of their aura.
  • Showing intuitive proficiency with various weapons.
  • Stronger and faster than average human. This increases and decreases based on the concluding time she fed and what she recently fed on. Feeding on humans satiates and keeps her 'engine' running, but she has been shown to become more than powerful after feeding on Fae.

As the granddaughter of The Claret Male monarch:

  • Enthralling someone with her blood (Fae-nted Love). Trick told Bo that merely like her mother, Aife, her blood has "the power to enslave others, to demark them to your will" (Into the Dark).

As well as her succubus powers, her unaligned Fae status gives her some advantages in Fae society:

  • She can freely associate with both Light Fae and Dark Fae (such as entering the territory of either clan without provoking conflict).
  • Tin can use her powers on occasions where both the Light and Nighttime cannot due to adherence to ancient laws.

Her neutral, non-association affiliation leaves her more than vulnerable to being eliminated by assassins if she makes enemies inside either clan. However, in Season 4 the benefits of existence unaligned were jeopardized when The Una Mens proclaimed that her claret had chosen a side and she was Dark Fae.


  • "Now, for the meg dollar question... what kind of Fae am I?" – to Lauren (Information technology'southward a Fae, Fae, Fae, Fae Globe)
  • BO: I can offer you things. ....[ using succubus affect ].... If we go out of here.
    LAUREN: I know what y'all're doing.
    BO: You desire me to stop?
    LAUREN: No. – (It's a Fae, Fae, Fae, Fae World)
  • "Information technology's kind of tough growing upwardly thinking that yous might have a shot at existence prom queen and detect out that you're part of some ageless secret race that feeds on humans." – to Kenzi (Where There's a Volition, In that location's a Fae)
  • BO: What near keeping this professional person?
    LAUREN: Well, phone call it "scientific marvel."
    BO: Okay. Well, you are definitely curious. I'm not and so sure it'due south entirely scientific.
    LAUREN: Nosotros need another potable.
    BO: [ laughs ] Yeah, we do. – (Nutrient for Thought)
  • BO: I accept to finish waiting for that guy to become emotionally bachelor.
    KENZI: Don't give up yet. His eyes say "no," but his inner wolf says...ahwooooo-yeah. And Lauren?
    BO: She'southward human. I could kill her.
    KENZI: Thought she fixed your hungry honeypot.
    BO: Yeah, a hell of a test run with someone that I intendance about.
    KENZI: Poor Bo. And then many choices, just ane vag. – (ArachnoFaebia)
  • KENZI: Obviously, you lot tin't have Dyson and chase after Dr. Hot Pants anymore. Time to pick a squad, dude.
    BO: Teams are stupid. – (Vexed)
  • BO: What are you doing? ....[ Bo stops Lauren ]....
    LAUREN: I don't know however. But let me.
    ....[ they kiss passionately / Bo stops ]....
    LAUREN: What? What's wrong?
    BO: I don't want to hurt you.
    LAUREN: I trust you. – (Vexed)
  • "I tin be more powerful than all other Fae. Everyone will kneel at my feet. There will be no more Dark and no more Lite. There will be merely me." – (Expiry Didn't Go Him)
  • "It'southward non merely my by. Information technology'southward my nowadays. For a long time I'd forgotten what I am to humans...a monster." – to Lauren (Raging Fae)
  • "Whatever you determine, any happens, we are in this together." – to Lauren (Lachlan's Gambit)
  • BO: You lot accept my jiff away.
    LAUREN: Breathless.
    BO: Completely. – (Into the Dark)
  • "It'southward non my heart I'm worried about. I love you... all ...so much." – to Lauren (Mankind and Blood)
  • "My forcefulness is unmatched. I shall reign every bit queen and you shall all tremble before my power." – (Flesh and Blood)
  • "Time to go, human lover." – to Lauren (Caged Fae)
  • BO: You lot were right. About everything.
    ....[ Bo kisses Lauren ]....
    BO: It's fourth dimension.
    LAUREN: Information technology's time?
    BO: United states of america....I want to give this a real shot. Be together. Life is also brusque. – (Caged Fae)
  • "My father was almost certainly dark, but what if he was a monster? What does that make me?" – to Trick (Caged Fae)
  • "The geek-speak is working, physician." – to Lauren (SubterrFaenean)
  • "The point is, I love Lauren. She'southward a huge function of my life. As are you lot. So in the battle of BFF versus primary clasp, I think it'south fourth dimension we called a truce. Got it?" – to Kenzi (ConFaegion)
  • BO: I am monogamous.
    DYSON: No, you lot're a Succubus. You can't sustain yourself on i man lone. You need to feed.
    BO: No, I can't. I tin't.
    DYSON: Hey, hey…look, there are no strings here. No feelings. It's either me or an ambulance. I'm not kidding.
    BO: No feelings. (nods acceptance) – (Fae-de To Black)
  • "I will reign as he did. For I am his girl. Together we will bridle the masses and ride unto victory. Even decease will fear united states. Only I will choose who lives." – (The Ceremony)
  • "You bitches are witches." – to Carolyn and Susan (Adventures in Fae-bysitting)
  • "Whoever you are, I know you. And I love you." – to Lauren (Those Who Wander)
  • "I'thou scared of making the wrong choice. Of losing my friends, my family once again. I'm terrified of what I'll become. I'm terrified of what I'k capable of. I'm terrified of The Wanderer and what he'll brand me." – to Krampus (Groundhog Fae)
  • KENZI: Unclaim me, Bo.
    BO: That is your grief talking. That is not what you want.
    KENZI: No. I know I don't want to exist here anymore….Tin yous just do this one thing? This one thing that I'k asking you.
    BO: No. I'k not letting yous go. I can't.
    KENZI: This is not near y'all! .... Unclaim me.
    BO: Fine. I unclaim you lot.
    ....[ as Kenzi leaves business firm ]....
    BO: Kenzi, we are not done!
    KENZI: Yeah. Nosotros're done! – (Origin)
  • BO: What'south going on?
    KENZI: I can't keep existence the lost human in the Fae world trying to be Fae. I'g not Fae.
    BO: That has never mattered to me.
    KENZI: But it does to me. – (Like Hell Pt.2)
  • KENZI: I need to try something...new. Something...for me. Something human being? And for the first time in I don't even remember, I'one thousand okay with that. I demand to get.
    ....[ they embrace / walk together towards door ]....
    BO: We're sisters. We're in each other's lives for practiced.
    KENZI: Hell, I couldn't even keep you lot out of my afterlife.
    BO: I love you, Kenzi. Sometimes I think information technology's the merely matter I'm completely certain virtually.
    KENZI: Good day, Bo.
    BO: Cheerio, Kenzi. – (Like Hell Pt.2)
  • BO: Lauren wait. Nigh what happened between u.s. during the blackout.
    LAUREN: Let me save you the trouble. We slept together. It'southward a in one case affair. I get it. I'grand okay with it.
    BO: Okay. Merely here'due south the thing..I'm non. I hateful I was..but information technology'south..information technology's just..there's ever going to be a reason for us non to be together. And I don't want to put this off any longer.
    LAUREN: Oh male child.
    BO: 'Oh male child' yes? Or 'oh boy' no?
    ....[ later ]....
    LAUREN: Bo, look!
    BO: What?
    LAUREN: 'Oh male child' yes. – (End of Faes)


  • The romantic human relationship between Bo and Lauren is sometimes referred to as Team Lauren or Doccubus – the romantic human relationship with Dyson is referred to as Squad Dyson.
  • Bo finds out in Flesh and Claret that she was named after her grandmother Isabeau, Flim-flam's belatedly wife.
  • Although she is named after her maternal grandmother, Isabeau, her proper name is spelled with a "Y": "'Ysabeau', or Bo for short, was born of Fae and is a rarity in their world." – Lost Daughter: Prologue.[5]
  • Bo has a birthmark on her left pes above the heel.
  • In The Temple, Bo saw a vision of herself every bit a baby being held by her father every bit he sang her to sleep — and she remembered the song. (The Ceremony)
  • When Lauren reveals her by to Crystal in Plough to Stone, nosotros also go enlightened that Bo's background shares some similarities with Lauren'south:
(one) both committed a criminal offence at near the same age: Bo killed her fellow when she was 18 years onetime – Lauren fabricated a pipe bomb that killed 11 people when she was 17 or eighteen years old;
(2) both go on the run later on the crime and assume false identities;
(3) both hate themselves for what they had done: Bo for killing her boyfriend and then sexual lovers during 10 years on the run – Lauren for being the reason behind the deaths of xi persons;
(4) both had led secret lives;
(5) both kept running and hiding until: Bo is discovered by the Fae – Lauren is discovered by The Ash in the Congo.
  • In Destiny'south Child, we learn that Rainer is The Wanderer, simply he is not Bo's father and, therefore, not The Night Male monarch. Withal, in Waves, Rainer tells Bo that he was not the ane who had her captured in black smoke and transported to the Expiry Train. In End of a Line, when Rainer'south face materializes on a blank page of a volume of Fae portraits and Bo tells Tamsin that information technology's the face up of her "boss" (meaning The Wanderer), Tamsin informs Bo that the face in the book is not him. Who Bo's begetter is, is still a mystery.
  • The term Lord of Darkness was used for the first time in Origin, the twelfth episode of Flavor 4. It was non until Like Hell Pt.2, the second episode of Season 5, that her father's identity was revealed as being Hades and that she had a stepmother, Persephone.
  • Bo discovered in Let Them Burn that she was the Pyrippus.
  • By the ancient Celts: "Handfasting" was the word used to draw their traditional trial-spousal relationship anniversary, during which couples were literally bound together. The handfasting was a temporary understanding that expired after a yr and a mean solar day; however, it could be made permanent after the twelvemonth was upward if both spouses agreed. In the former Celtic lands of Scotland and Northern England: "Handfasting" was the word used to refer to a commitment of betrothal or appointment. Information technology was a ceremony in which the couple publicly declared their intention to marry one year and a day in the time to come.[6]


  • Flavor 1
  • Season 2
  • Season 3
  • Season iv
  • Season 5

Showcase character clarification

Lost Daughter: Prologue

Bo  (2010)

Bo was built-in of Fae blood merely is a rarity in their world. Raised past humans, she spent her idyllic, small town youth without a clue equally to her true nature: that of a Succubus, mythological beings who must seduce mortals and feed off their sexual chi-energy to survive. Bo'southward traumatic, accidental discovery of her abilities as a teenager forced her to leave any semblance of a normal life and encompass a vagabond existence. She'southward been moving from one city to the side by side e'er since, unable to control her feedings and leaving a trail of dead in her wake.

Once Bo realizes what she is and learns of the existence of the Fae clans, she's through running. Bo resolves to find the truth of where she came from, and why she was abandoned. Non sure who to trust, she rejects the Fae clans, embracing her independence and condign an unlikely protector of both Fae and humans in need of her unique skills. With the added assistance of her human con-creative person best friend, Kenzi; the scientific talents of Lauren; and the ever watchful heart of Dyson, Bo must learn to command her Succubus nature and adapt to a dangerous supernatural underworld she never fifty-fifty knew existed.[7]

Bo (played past Anna Silk)  (2011)

Bo is a Succubus, a mythological creature who uses sex to feed, heal, and impale. Raised as a human by strict adoptive parents, she was taught that sex activity of any kind was evil. When Bo's internal need for sexual energy, or "chi", became so strong that she gave into her urges at age 17, she was unable to command her power and accidentally killed her get-go lover. Traumatized, Bo left town, vowing to never succumb to her urges once more – until she met the Fae, her ancient, long-warring kin. Fae police detective Dyson and homo doctor Lauren helped Bo understand and feed her inborn needs, but control her appetites so that she can live a "normal" life – sparking a love triangle that is well-nigh to become fifty-fifty more complex. Rejecting the Fae rule that she choose between the Light and Dark Fae factions, Bo found a steadfast ally in the center in Kenzi, a homo criminal with a good centre and violent sense of loyalty. Together with Kenzi, Bo uses her supernatural abilities to help Fae and human being akin, while still hoping to unravel the continuing mystery of her origins.[eight]

Bo (Anna Silk)  (2013)

Bo is a Succubus, a powerful female entity in folklore who feeds off sexual free energy. Raised by human parents, Bo had no reason to believe she was annihilation other than the girl next door - until she "drained" her first boyfriend to decease. Bo and so discovers that she is 1 of the Fae, creatures of legend that pass as humans while secretly feeding off them. Faced with choosing between an fidelity to the Nighttime or Lite Fae clans, Bo takes the centre path between the man and Fae worlds, while embarking on a mission to unlock the secrets of her origin. Her succubus nature tangles her in an intense and evolving dearest triangle with Dyson, a shape-shifting Fae and homicide detective, and Lauren, a human md who has found a fashion, through science, to help give Bo the sexual self control she's been aching for. Navigating this complicated life with Bo is her street-smart "bestie" and partner in crime, Kenzi. [9]

Syfy grapheme clarification

Bo | Anna Silk

Bo is a Succubus, a mythological creature who uses sexual activity to feed, heal, and kill. Raised as a human by strict adoptive parents, she was taught that sexual practice of any kind was evil. Still, at age 17, Bo'southward internal demand for sexual energy, or 'chi,' became so strong that she gave in to her urges. Bo was untutored in her power and unaware of how to control information technology, which led her to accidentally kill her offset lover. Traumatized by this, Bo left town, vowing to never succumb to her urges over again - a hope she was incapable of keeping, leaving her with an increasing body count and mounting regrets. Merely when she met the Fae, her ancient, long-warring kin, she found new promise for a "normal" future. Now more able to control her powers, Bo uses her supernatural abilities to help others while trying to navigate her kickoff real romantic relationships.[x]

Bo Gallery

See more images in: Photos

Bo's weapons
1.08 "Vexed"

Bo's weapons
1.08 "Vexed"

Bo'south weapons
i.08 "Vexed

Season 1

Season 1

Season 2

Season 2

Flavour 2

Season 3

Flavour 3

Season 4

Season 5

Season two

Season 3

Flavour 3

Flavour 4

Season 4

Bo-Anna Silk.jpg


  1. "That's our Bo Dennis: serving + protecting fae/humans akin." - Syfy PR @SyfyPR (Twitter), xviii March 2013. Retrieved on 08-07-2013.
  2. Lost Girl Prologue (Pg vii)
  3. "An Interview with Michelle Lovretta. (The Watercooler. 2011)" - "When Prodigy (our studio) asked me to create a evidence about some kind of bisexual superhero who uses sex as part of her arsenal, my first idea was 'hell, yes!'" - Michelle Lovretta, creator of Lost Daughter. Retrieved on 09-01-2013.
  4. "Nine Questions with Lost Girl Creator and Writer Michelle Lovretta. (RGB Filter. September 30, 2010)" - "Bo is a succubus, a grown woman, and bisexual...." - Michelle Lovretta, creator of Lost Girl. Retrieved on 09-01-2013.
  5. "Lost Girl'south Comic Book: Prologue (Page 7)" - Prodigy Pictures/Showcase, 2011. Retrieved on 09/20/2013.
  6. Celtic/Neopagan handfasting
  7. https://spider web.archive.org/web/20110903025114/http://lostgirlseries.com/characters. "lostgirlseries.com". October 2010
  8. https://web.annal.org/spider web/20120311015526/http://lostgirlseries.com. "lostgirlseries.com/about.aspx (about_bios_BO2)". August 2011
  9. https://web.archive.org/web/20130121184747/http://world wide web.showcase.ca/lostgirl/lostgirlcharacters.aspx?n=Bo+(Anna+Silk)+. "showcase.ca/lost girl (Characters)". January 2013
  10. http://www.syfy.com/lostgirl/cast/bo/5


Source: https://lostgirl.fandom.com/wiki/Bo

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