Sword Art Online Alicization What Happen End of Season 1 Anime

Sword Art Online

[SAO] Spoiler: The ending of SAO Alicization State of war of UnderWorld Arc


The last role of Sword Art Online Alicization War of Underworld Season ii(WoU) began in July 2020.

I volition explain the ending of SAO War of Underworld .

You'll observe out the following

  • When will Kirito wake upward?
  • Is at that place any manner Eugeo tin come up back from the expressionless?
  • Volition Alice be able to convert to the real world?
  • What will happen to the Great State of war of Underworld?
  • Will Dark Vector exist defeated?


    • 0.1 Kirito was in the mindless state later on losing Eugeo
    • 0.2 Karma with PoH continues from Aincrad
    • 0.three Kirito finally came back from the mindless state to fight against PoH
    • 0.four Will Eugeo come back to life?
    • 0.v Kirito defeated Dark Vector with Night Sky Sword.
    • 0.6 What happened to the defeated Dark Vector?
    • 0.7 Alice returned safely to the existent world
  • 1 Kirito and Asuna spent 200 years in the Underworld
  • 2 What happened to the others in the Underworld?
    • 2.i Finally, Kirito dives into the Underworld with Alice from the real world again
    • 2.two Reunion with Ronye and Tiese afterward 200 years
  • three A new affiliate volition be the fourth season of Sword Art Online.
  • four Summary of the ending of the Alicization War of UnderWorld Arc​
    • 4.1 Related

Kirito was in the mindless state after losing Eugeo

Kirito was in a state of mind loss due to the death of his best friend, Eugeo. But in order to defeat the Ambassador, Eugeo had to give up his life. Later defeating the Ambassador, a mysterious communication with the real globe began, and at that moment Kirito became mindless in Sword Art Online Alicization Arc. In the first part of Sword Art Online State of war of Underworld, Kirito was in a mindless state from episode 1~12. That didn't change in the 2nd part (episode xiii~).

Asuna, who is a Kirito's lover in the real world and besides married to Kirito within SAO, came to see Kirito in the underworld in the State of war of Underworld Arc (Season one). Kirito was still in the state of mind loss, simply he cried in response to Asuna's voice.

 Information technology was a very painful scene to watch.

Karma with PoH continues from Aincrad


PoH that appeared in the Aincrad Arc showed up in the Underworld as well. Poh was the leader of the murder guild "Laughing Coffin" in Aincrad. Poh had come up from the real-world to the underworld and tried to kill mindless Kirito.

Kirito was even so in a vegetable state. It'south a scene that fans of the prequels can't have their eyes off of.

In fact, this was where I expected Kirito to wake upward. It is incommunicable for the main grapheme does not appear in the main function until the finish.

Kirito finally came back from the mindless state to fight confronting PoH

PoH's overwhelming strength had put Asuna and her friends in a drastic situation. ( Alicization - State of war of Underworld second Season Episode 7)

It was Kirito, who finally turned the predicament upside down, who was resurrected.

Kirito had been in a state of mind loss since the 2nd half of the Alicization Arc due to regret over losing Eugeo. Withal, in the midst of the battle against PoH in the Underworld War, Kirito finally resurrected.

I will explicate how he resurrected in the side by side section.

Volition Eugeo come back to life?


Unfortunately, Eugeo did not come back to life in the Alicization arc of the light novel.

Withal, Kirito was revived in the midst of the boxing with PoH. In fact, Kirito'southward fluctlight, the breakthrough particle that contains the human consciousness, was remade from the fluctlights of Asuna, Sinon, and Sugu.

During this procedure, Eugeo's listen object in the underworld also reached out to Kirito. Kirito talked to Eugeo in his dream and overcame his grief past having conversations with Eugeo.

#18 light novel.

Kirito: "Eugeo. Am I immune to start walking over again...?"

Eugeo: "Yes, Kirito. A lot of people are waiting for you. Come on, let'southward go, we'll get wherever you want."

Eugeo didn't come back to life. But the memories of Eugeo will be in his eye forever.

When Kirito remembers that, he decides to come back to life once again. The resurrected Kirito had awakened to the ability of an boggling <heed-will>心意の力.

Even though Eugeo wasn't alive, Eugeo'due south power in the Blue Rose Sword helped Kirito to freeze all the movements of tens of thousands of enemy troops.

Kirito freezing Ruddy Soldiers

After, Kirito used his Dual-sword skill to defeat the PoH. He then used the power of the Night Sky Sword to freeze PoH into the form of a tree, settling the karma with Poh that has been going on since the Aincrad Arc.

[SAO] vi Reasons why Eugeo of Sword Art Online is charming and ambrosial!

Eugeo was the main graphic symbol in project Alicization Arc. Eugeo guided Kirito at important moments. I'll introduce you to the many charms of Eugeo!

Read more

Kirito defeated Dark Vector with Dark Sky Sword.

After defeating PoH, Kirito used the power of his <mind-will> to chase the Night Vector, Gabriel Miller, through the sky.

Earlier Eugeo died, Eugeo said to Kirito  'The proper noun of this sword should be Night Heaven Sword '. Kirito used to refer to the sword as the 'black one'. As the sword was officially named and Kirito strongly identified the sword as the 'Night Sky', the power of the Dark Sky Sword was released.

The Night Sky Sword has the ability to change the Underworld from daytime to nighttime. Also, Sword has the power to assemble the ability of people's will.


With the Night Sky Sword, which gathered the all power of Underworld residents, and also with the Blueish Rose Sword, Kirito unleashed Dual blades 16-hit sword skill of starburst stream. This assault caused people's mind-volition power to flow into the sky and finally made Gabriel disappear. Gabriel, who was unable to consequence any attacks, was defeated by an attack unleashed from the power of the people's heart.

What happened to the defeated Dark Vector?


Normally, when an business relationship in the Underworld disappears, the trunk in the real world doesn't die. However, if the soul (fluctlight) itself is affected in some way, the existent world will exist affected likewise. In Gabriel's case, Kirito had gathered the will of all people in the Underworld, and this is exactly what caused Gabriel's fluctlight to be damaged. When Gabriel woke up in the real world, his soul was out of his torso and he saw a hallucination of Alicia, a girl he killed when he was a boy.

The ghosts of Alicia and all the people he's killed then far grabbed Gabriel and dragged him to the depths of the earth.

The final battle in the Alicization Arc concluded with Kirito and Eugeo'due south swords.


Alice returned safely to the real world


Alice had safely made it to the World's End and had been transported to the existent world. In the real globe, she was put in the mechanical body that Rath had prepared for her, which independent her soul. Afterward, Alice attended press conferences with Dr. Koujiro. The purpose of this printing briefing is to announce Rath's successful evolution of AI, besides as to telephone call on the world to acknowledge human rights to AI.

The press briefing was filled with a series of awful questions such equally "Nosotros should use the AI of the Underworlders for labor" and "Show me your encephalon if information technology's non really a program", to which all Alice answered.

Alice said

"I am holding out my right hand to people of the Real World. But I will non kneel down and my forehead will not touch the footing. Because I am a homo being".

After that, Alice continued to attend receptions and parties every twenty-four hour period to brand AI known in the real world. Alice attended these events to ensure the survival of the Underworld.

The issue of AI human rights hasn't been settled in the latest book of SAO.

Kirito and Asuna spent 200 years in the Underworld


After defeating Gabriel, the Underworld went into an dispatch phase of 1,000 times the real-globe ratio. This means that it would take 200 years in Underworld fourth dimension to become back to the aforementioned fourth dimension speed as the real-globe time. In other words, if they didn't return to the real globe soon, they would have to spend 200 years within the Underworld. Kirito understood this, merely he fabricated his priority to get Alice to the real world and fought for this reason until the finish.

After Alice returned to the real world, Kirito cried equally he faced the reality that he volition now have to alive 200 years in the Underworld.


Then, the shadow of a person showed upwards…


Asuna was enlightened of Kirito's sacrifice, and she was determined to stay in the Underworld with Kirito.


Asuna said

'Even if information technology'southward a chiliad years, it won't be long... with you.'

Kirito wiped his tears with Asuna, and they had spent 200 years in this earth.

It'south a very emotional scene.

What happened to the others in the Underworld?


Iskahn was appointed as the commander of the Dark World Army. Scheta, Scheta Synthesis Twelve, served every bit the bridge between the two worlds and made a peace treaty with the Dark World Army. Iskahn and Scheta married later.

This was the first marriage ceremony between the Dark world people and the Human world people. Later on, the homo globe and the nighttime earth even allowed each others' travels to the other globe.

Data for anime geek

Meanwhile, Alice's sister, Selka, chose to freeze her life on the 80th floor of the Key Cathedral but to be reunited with Alice again.


Over the course of 200 years, Kirito invented flying machines, which expanded the outer world of the Dark World and as well discovered new stars in the space.

Kirito had a peachy influence on the Underworld, and he and Asuna were honored with the championship of Star King and Star Queen.

Finally, Kirito dives into the Underworld with Alice from the real world again


Kirito and Asuna awoke in the real world subsequently spending 200 years in the Underworld. Information technology had been only a few weeks in the real world.

Kirito and Asuna have had their memories of 200 years erased by Rath so that they volition accept no trouble living in the real globe.

Alice blamed Kirito for lying to her and remaining in the Underworld, but she cried from the joy of being reunited with him.

Then, after Alice'due south sleepover at the Kirigaya house and other events, Alice suddenly received a message from an unknown sender to her electronic mail address.

It was an access IP to the Underworld from Akihiko Kayaba (Heathcliff), who lived on the internet.

Kirito, Asuna, and Alice dived back into the Underworld.

The three of them dived into the Underworld, and to their surprise, they landed in space.

"Where is this place?" Merely then they saw a planet with a familiar city like Centria in the distance.

The three of them were surprised to be thrown out into the universe all of a sudden, but they shed tears as they confirmed that this was indeed the Underworld of their past.

Alice: 'It'due south the Underworld I was born into! I love you! Exercise yous hear me! I'chiliad dorsum now! ...I'm here!

Reunion with Ronye and Tiese subsequently 200 years

In space, two aligned Knights flew in a Kiryu (a sort of dragon-shaped spaceship).

They were Stika Streitenen and Laurenay Arabelle, the seventh descendants of Tiese and Ronye.

Stika and Laurenay looked at Kirito and outburst into tears. Perhaps they were the incarnations of Tiese and Ronye.

Alicization Arc ended with the meeting between Kirito and his friends, Stika and Laurenay.

[SAO] Ronye is the hidden heroine of SAO! What happened to Ronye after Alicization Arc?

Ronye Arabel was a secretly popular girl in Sword Art Online Alicization. I will introduce the charms of Ronye Arabel, Kirito'due south beginning kohai(junior) graphic symbol.

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A new affiliate will be the fourth flavor of Sword Art Online.


That's the cease of the Alicization Arc, but the original SAO story is now entering the "New Affiliate - Unital Ring".

This arc is about Kirito, Asuna, and Alice. The story begins as three of them were having tea in the existent earth of ALO, and all of a sudden got caught up in a strange change in the ALO world for unknown reasons.

Summary of the ending of the Alicization War of UnderWorld Arc​

Here are the 5 points of this article.

Points of this article.

  • Kirito is back in the fight against PoH
  • Eugeo didn't come back to life.
  • Kirito'southward sword and Eugeo's sword defeated Gabriel.
  • Alice goes to the existent world
  • Kirito and Asuna spend 200 years in the Underworld
My Favorite Scene of Alicization War of UnderWorld Arc
  • Eugeo helping Kirito to overcome his grief of losing Eugeo
  • Asuna actualization when Kirito cries as he prepares for his lonely 200 years
  • Alice returning to the Underworld
I hope you lot enjoy watching the anime again and over again!
  • Writer of this mail service


I'thou a 23-year-onetime Japanese anime geek. I dear anime and information technology is the thing that sustains and refreshes my life. I desire more than people to know most anime. That's why I write manufactures about my favorite anime.

-Sword Art Online

© 2022 AnimegeeksJP


Source: https://animegeeksjp.com/sword-art-online/ending-sword-art-online-war-of-underworld-arc/

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