how to draw a 3d box in inkscape

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How to create an Icon using new features of Inkscape 0.47, such equally: gradients, mistiness, path effects, and mask on texture layer. Nosotros'll be walking through every pace involved in creating this grungy RSS feed icon box. There is some swell vector fabric in this tutorial!

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Beneath is the final image we will be working towards. Want admission to the full Vector Source files and downloadable copies of every tutorial, including this i? Join Vector Plus for but 9$ a month.

Tutorial Details

  • Program: Inkscape 0.47pre4
  • Difficulty: Intermediate
  • Estimated Completion Fourth dimension: i hour

Step 1

Outset, nosotros need the final Inkscape release (0.47pre4). You can download it on the official inkscape site.
Inkscape is an open up source vector graphics editor available freely for Linux, Windows 2000/2003/XP (fully self-independent installer), and OSX (dmg package).

Pace 2

Allow's get-go by first opening a new certificate, selecting the Bezier Curve tool (B), and drawing a rough of three faces of a cube in a perspective view (Press Command to draw vertical bezier line).

Pace iii

Be certain to enable the new user interface of snapping in Inkscape'due south toolbar and the cheque snap node button to align nodes.

Step 4

Now we'll cut the upper face in two parts. Select the tiptop confront, press the Edit Path Button (F2), select left and downward nodes and printing the Insert New Node push, repeat for the peak and right nodes.

Step five

Select the nodes just created and press the Break Path button to subdivide the top face and Command + G to break information technology into two objects. At present you should have four different objects, similar the picture below (I filled information technology with random colors for a amend view).

Step half-dozen

To simulate an old carton box, select ane face and press F2 to edit path. Select two nodes and press the Add Nodes button. Select the new node created and convert it in a symmetric node to move and rotate them. You can double-click on a path to insert new node...

Step 7

Open the layer manager past going to Layers > Layers...(Control + Shift + L). Y'all should have i layer, rename information technology "Box." At present duplicate it by going to Layer > Indistinguishable electric current layer. Rename the new 1 "bg_box" and place information technology below "box" layers. Now you should have the same matter in the ii layers. So for the moment you can hide "box" layers.

Step 8

So we'll clean the shape in "bg_box" and create only one object, for that be sure internal nodes are aligned. Select all and utilise Path > Union. This shape will be used later on for texturing, lightning and shadow. You lot can lock "bg_box" layer and get dorsum on the "box" layer.

Step 9

At present nosotros'll make full the faces with a gradient color to simulate a light coming from the top left. So open the Fill and Stroke box by going to Object > Fill and Stroke (Command + Shift + F). Select the left face, fill the shape with a radial gradient by clicking the Radial Gradient button. Utilise the Edit Path Button to select the center and choose a light brown color (#c2aa99) and on the outer a dark brownish color (#926a4f). Select the gradient center and drag it down to adapt the result.

Step 10

Repeat the previous pace for each part of the carton box, you can conform the color and don't forget that the light comes from the top left, you should obtain something like that shown below.

Step xi

Now we'll piece of work on emphasizing the box border with lights. Create a star with iii branches. Identify it on the front corner of the box, and choose a light colour like #b4a69e.

Pace 12

At present transform the objects past going to Path > Object to path... (Command + Shift + C). Select the branches from the star nodes, and place them on the edges of the box, give a blur value of i.

Footstep 13

Select the Bezier Curve tool and describe nighttime gray shapes in the corner to simulate a bump on the box.

Stride 14

Select those shapes, go to Fill up and Stroke, and set their Blur to 10.0.

Step fifteen

Now we'll propose wet effect on the box by using some grunge shapes. Create a simple ellipse, select the Tweak tool, set the Width to x, Force on 25. Now button roughen parts of the paths, and apply them on the side of the shape like the epitome below.

Footstep 16

Now we'll erase the rest of the shape by using a Pathfinder. Draw a big rectangle on the part you desire to delete. Select the two and utilize Path > Difference.

Step 17

Another way to create a crude shape is to draw a simple shape with a bezier tool and apply a modifier past going to Extension > Modify Path > Fractalize.

Step 18

Duplicate, scale and turn the rough shapes just created. Put them on the carton box.

Step nineteen

Utilise on each shape a low-cal gradient, blackness to transparent and adjust as shown below.

Footstep 20

At present nosotros'll create record on the box. Describe two rectangles with the Bezier tool, ane little on top and one on the left side.

Step 21

Select the lesser segment on the modest rectangle and subdivide it 4 times.

Stride 22

Select random nodes and move them with the top and bottom pointer to simulate a split.

Step 23

Select the record and add this brown color #625037. On the top piece of the tape we'll fill it with a vertical, linear gradient. Add 3 stops using the gradient editor and edit the middle one with a light brown (#a4804a). After, yous tin can select the two pieces of tape and motility the below with the PageDown key.

Stride 24

To raise our box, we'll add together a Bitmap texture, I'll employ this free rust prototype found on To create a mask, while keeping the same size and position every bit our box, we'll use the background shape created in Stride viii.

Select the "bg_box" layer, duplicate and rename it "Texture" and move it to a higher place the others. Now turn your shape colour to white (because lightness changes the alpha of the mask). Bring your rust texture bitmap and place it below your mask shape.

Stride 25

Select the rust bitmap and the white mask shape (Object > Mask > Ready). You will have a textured shape, now in the layer properties set the blend mode on Screen and Opacity on 25%. Yous can lock this layer.

Step 26

Create a new layer, call information technology logo, now we'll add together a RSS icon in perspective, so outset download and import in your page RSS ICON on the wikipedia. Ungroup the icon (Command + Shift + G), and go along simply the RSS symbol. Combine information technology (Command + G) and turn the color to a bright orange.(#ff7f2a)

Footstep 27

We're gonna use a Path Upshot tool to create perspective. Select your RSS icon and place it on the right face. Duplicate this face, swap the fill and stroke and select a black colour for example. Scale it from the middle (Mouse + Command + Shift), this stroke will be used every bit perspective reference.

Step 28

Select the RSS Icon by opening Path > Path Effect Editor box. Select the envelope deformation and printing Add. Ok then, on the offset line "Top curve path" select the button Edit on Canvas and marshal the nodes to the corner of the perspective reference created previously. Echo for the correct, bottom and left edge of the RSS icon.

Step 29

After yous can delete your perspective reference, you should obtain something similar to that shown below.

Footstep 30

Now to simulate a glow effect on the logo, add a x% blur and duplicate it (Control + D). Put the blur value on 0 and change the color to a lighter orangish (#ff7f2a).

Step 31

You lot can add more details on your carton box, for case if you lot want to add together text don't forget to vectorize (Command + Shift + C) and combine information technology (Command + K). Afterwards, draw a perspective reference where you lot desire to place the text and use the Path Consequence Editor with Envelope deformation.

Step 32

Great! our box is ready, allow's add some lightning effects. Remember our groundwork shape created in Step 8, we'll use it to create a shadow box (black) and lightning effects (orange). So display only "bg_box layer," select the shape and duplicate information technology. Select one and erase some nodes to create a shadow in black like the picture beneath.

Footstep 33

On the black shadow apply a blur of 5.

Step 34

Select the orange shape, scale it a little from the center and apply a blur of five. Yous can adjust the nodes position to simulate a light ray out of the box. Unhide all the layers and yous should obtain something like this.

Final Step

Swell, last affair, you can add a shadow or halo. Create just an ellipse with a radiant gradient that is gray (light) or white (Halo) to transparent. Indistinguishable the RSS icon, turn information technology and apply a gradient (orangish to transparency) with blur on 10. It works corking on a dark gray groundwork likewise. Beneath is the Concluding consequence!

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